Happy Fit for Life Fit Friday! Today we are excited to feature our member, JoAnn White! JoAnn has a wonderful family, including her husband, children, and grandkids. She works out to ensure that she gets as much active quality time with them as possible. Her workouts also help her feel better and shed a lot of the stress she may be feeling from day to day. JoAnn says that “It makes me a better person.”
Her current workout routine entails 3 days of exercises a week including a session with her personal trainer Corey once a week. JoAnn says “Corey knows my strengths, weaknesses, he pushes me and because of that I have accomplished so much.”
JoAnn has noticed that her body, mind, and spirit are improved through her workouts. She has made incredible progress by releasing 75 pounds in the past two years! Her success has inspired her to stay with this way of life and continue to make great progress.
She has participated in the program Life Steps and says that the programs at Fit for Life are wonderful. JoAnn also says that “all the staff is so knowledgeable and caring, it’s like home away from home”. #FFLFitFriday